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Audience Research

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Your customer is your biggest stakeholder. It’s imperative to get to know them to cast a good impression.

Your interaction with your customers could make or break your business. Without knowing the best way to communicate with them, you are merely shooting in the dark.

Understanding your audience can help you streamline your strategy and focus your efforts in the right direction. Identifying your target audience and researching what they need is an essential part of growing your idea or your existing business.

Through structured audience research, you can gain access to important knowledge banks that help you answer crucial questions to understand the needs of your target audience. As you answer each of these questions, you are building the ideal customer that you must cast a lasting impression on. These exercises help you create strategies that cater to the right audience.

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    Why Audience Research?

    When you understand the elements of what pushes your audience to choose a certain product or service over the others, you can use that to your advantage and curate your marketing and sales efforts in that direction. For example, if affordability or a quicker turnaround time is what your customers prioritise over everything else, you need to ensure that you are providing them with that.
    Every business is created to meet the needs of someone. This could be another business or an individual consumer. Only when you understand the needs of your customers will you know where your business stands and if it truly adds value to the customer. If you have manufactured an air conditioner and you realise that your target audience needs an air conditioner that pulls less electricity, you will find that the ideal way to get your customers to notice you is by showcasing your energy-saving products. Your business should directly meet the needs of your customers to catch their attention.
    Sometimes, your product or service may not be enough to give your customers everything they need. Knowing what they need beyond your product will help you lay the foundation for effective customer retention strategies. For instance, if you have an automated tool that makes tracking analytics on social media platforms easier, your customers may still need help assessing their analytics or tips on how to increase their reach. Entering these spaces through different marketing strategies could be a great way of increasing your own brand loyalty.
    Speaking to your audiences in the manner they best relate to and respond to is crucial to ensuring you strike a connection with your customer. If you are a gaming platform and your target audience comprises young gamers, you cannot speak in a professional manner and expect them to listen. A part of audience research involves documenting which tone of voice your audience typically responds to so that you can incorporate the same in all your customer communications.
    The personality traits and behaviour patterns of your customers could help you understand their likes and dislikes, where you can approach them and how to best approach them. For example, if you are dealing with fitness beverages, you are more likely to find your audience in fitness centres or in parks earlier in the morning. You may also catch their attention if you are distributing free samples just when most of your audience is done with their workout.
    Understanding where you stand in the market and what you are offering to the target audience is an important introspection that will help you compare where you stand. Your core value propositions must cater to the needs of the customers or find customers who need what you are offering to them. Your core messaging can only be derived based on what will work in the market to ensure that the right perception of your brand is diffused.
    Retaining a customer is just as important as getting a customer to make their first purchase. Building brand loyalty to keep the customers associated with your brand for a long time will establish credibility and reliability. To do so, a business needs to stay up-to-date, value its customers and know how best to reward loyalty. This involves a deep look into what your customers value that will make them stay with your business for a long time.

    Once you have answered these questions through data-driven research, you will have a structure that you can inculcate into many different strategies. Answering these questions is just the beginning. The responses need to be stitched together to form a well-formulated and practically usable analysis that will form the foundation of many strategies that your business deploys – which is precisely where Bizcon comes in.

    Through in-depth market research and data-backed strategies, you will get an audience research document that you can go back to for every strategy related to sales or marketing efforts. It will bring your focus to what really matters – your customer.

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